  PUPPET ARTS THEATRE production of  



Performed by using the unique black theatre technique


where puppets move effortlessly without visible means of support

  makes the show look like an animated cartoon.  


  Belhaven University Center for the Arts  
  Riverside Drive in Jackson  
  Friday, December 8,  
  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,  
  December 13, 14, and 15, 2023  
  at 9 and 11 AM each day  

To learn more about the show - click here

  Group tickets are $6.  Single tickets are $8 per person.   

  One free adult ticket with each group of ten children. 

  Call 601 977 9840 for information or ticket reservation.  
  Or to ask a question or send a ticket request - click here  

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Events of the Mississippi Puppetry Guild are made possible in part by grants from


the Mississippi Arts Commission, and the National Endowment for the Arts.