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A story about greed and punishment by Brothers Grimm


The theme of greed and uncontrolled wishing for the impossible appears in many stories and fairy tales across  the world.  Those of the Brothers Grimm and the verses of Alexander Pushkin are the most prominent.  Our version,  with a new surprising ending, is an entertaining tale with an important moral to tell.

The story, accompanied by the music of Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov, features extra-large hand puppets.  Puppeteers, manipulating the puppets from below, are sometimes visible and sometimes invisible to the audience.

Large, eight foot tall towers rotate and reveal new settings  for each scene. Children from the audience participate in the coronation ball and perform with puppets in the under-the-water scene.

The Fisherman & His Wife is the most popular play in our repertoire and was performed over 260 times since its premiere.

The Greater Jackson Arts Council provided a grant to make this production possible.


T. J. McSparrin and Peter Zapletal


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